Rabu, 09 Desember 2009


Cimilikity always believe from the start that every girl can be beautiful in any style and any size. Capek nggak sih, ngeliat model-model super thin di majalah-majalah fashion? Yes, they look absolutely beautiful in the picture but is that the true definition of beauty?

For us, it's not.

Beauty is when you are able to accept your own body with its plus and minus. Beauty is when you really feel comfortable with yourself. Nobody can be perfect. Perfection is boring.
Bayangin kalo semua cewek di dunia punya badan a la super model! Boring kan?

So, love your body
love your curve
love your skin color
love your hair

love yourself :)

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Everybody loves December

It's December and we've launched our 5th collection :)
There were some new faces in our photos.. It's good to have more models! :)

In this collection we have some jackets, skirts, and cute tops.
Check out our Facebook profile to enjoy!

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

Finally, 4th collection!

FINALLY, we've launched our 4th collection this day :)
We miss you so much, girlsies..

Kali ini, Cimilikity Girls dan salah satu Cimilikity Model mulai berani buat nyoba untuk jadi fotografer. Hihi seru loh ternyata, berasa profesional aja megang kamera SLR, walau pun sebenernya masih gagap banget. Gambar suka blur, tangan suka nutupin flash, kameranya suka kebalik, haha. It was fun though!

Mudah2an all of you girls suka ya koleksi kita yang kali ini..
Here they are

See more on our facebook, girls.. :)

Minggu, 06 September 2009


Hey girlsies! Long time no post!
Yaa, karena berbagai kesibukan dari masing-masing personil CMLKTgirls, Cimilikity Shop jadi agak terabaikan. Huks huks, maaf yaa. Mulai bulan ini Cimilikity Shop udah aktif lagi kok! Dengan semangat yang berlipat ganda, kita udah ga sabar buat ngeluarin koleksi-koleksi yang bakal lebih WOW dari koleksi-koleksi sebelumnya.

So, here they are, the 3rd collection of our STATEMENT NECKLACES :

And YES! We are very excited to let you know that we have SHOES COLLECTION too, this month! It SUUPPERRR COOL and yes, it's limitted, girls. Grab it fast!
C ya on the photo comments, girlsies :D

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

So proud of Vine! :)

Vine masuk TABLOID GENNIE! hihihihi
selamat ya, Vine baby.
Jadi ceritanya, tabloid GENNIE lagi nyari orang yang punya hobi yang bisa dijadiin bisnis. Nah, si Vine, sebagai pembuat kalung di CIMILIKITY ini lah contoh nya :)

selamat Vine! (haha norak dikit, tapi bodo' ah!)

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Kamis, 16 Juli 2009


Hey girlsies!
Long time no post! :)
WHEW! sekarang CMLKT GRLS lagi ambil semester pendek nih, dan di masa2 semester pendek ini, fortunately, kami jadi punya lebih banyak waktu buat jadi lebih produktif. Akibatnya, saking produktifnya CMLKT GRLS bulan ini, banyak banget baju yang harus dipublish bulan ini. Yup, ada lebih dari 40 baju! KREEEZZY :D

Belum lagi statement necklaces cantik buatan Vinessa yang makin lama makin banyak yang nyariin. Bulan ini, bakal makin banyak dan beragam loh, statement necklace nya, tunggu yah girls.

Selain statement necklaces, bulan Juli ini CMLKT juga bakal launch some more headbands. Ngga kayak kemarin yang cuma satu jenis headband, kali ini CMLKT bakal launch BOW HEADBANDS yang lucu2. Kenapa baru sekarang kita bikin bow headband, sedangkan org lain udh dari dulu? Karena kita pengen bow headband kita beda dari bow headband yang sering dijual di pasaran. Kita pengen yang beda, lebih enak dipakai, dan lebih murah. And we've found the formula :D. Really can't wait to see it on you, girlsies.

Nah, yang terakhir, bulan ini CMLKT juga bakal nyediain sepatu! HOORRAY!
Sepatu nya ga terlalu banyak, very very limitted. Mudah2an kalian suka yah, girls.

Can't wait to launch this HUGE COLLECTION.
See ya!

Love and kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009


Looke at theese pretty babies... :)

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009

Besties Love

Isn't it soo nice to have such great friends beside you?
We (cimilikity girls) can't imagine how can we run this on line shop business without the helping hands of our besties :)

We have Mellisa Dharmawan, our advisor.
Bella, our photographer.
Kathy, Inza, Bibi, Tania, Diyang, Bebeth, Carla, Ciya, Ari Sinta, and Ayas as our models.
And even some of our beloved friends help us to promote cimilikity by posting cimilikity on their blog.

Special thanks to :
- Gilang Reffi Hernanda : (
He such a good and smart writer, so feel free to read his writing on his blog :)

- Tania Amalia :
She's one of our pretty models. Tania has done so much to help us promote our on line shop. She oftenly writes status and gives links of our on line shop, and we really thankful to have her. Thank you Tan, love you :)

Ahh.. thank God we have you, besties

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

How are you girlsies?

Heyhoo darlas!
Kangen ih nulis2 di blog cimilikity :)
Our business runs smooth these days. We've found the 'click' so it gets easier to run the on line shop.
Some nice people offer us to participate in their events by opening our own stall. We are negotiating now with them. We are really excited :)

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Jumat, 05 Juni 2009

Peek a Boom!

hel-o darlas
well, we've done our 2nd photoshoot on the last Monday, June 1st. This time we had our very first outdoor photoshoot (Kencana Putri's Rooftop). It was windy that day, but we had a very cool photshoot with Bella. Super-hooray :)

Rencananya kita bakal launching tanggal 6 Juni, tapi karena ada beberapa hal yang belum siap, dan dikhawatirkan bakal mengganggu proses pemesanan, jadi tanggal launching kita undur ya girls.. Jadi tanggal 8 Juni. Sabar yah :)

Sembari menunggu tanggal delapan, how if i give you a little peek a boom on our collection? :)

And this is the pic pf pur handmade headband, hope you'll like it, girls :)

And this is how it looks on our models

So, what do you think of our newest collection? Like 'em?
We cannot wait to launch it for you girlsies..
June 8, ay? See ya'all on facebook :)

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

2nd PHOTOSHOOT is just a day away



super excited!

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009


Headband mission accomplished!
Congrats ya, Vinessa! Si Vine dengan tangan crafty nya at last berhasil bikin bando-bando lucu yang foto nya udah kita upload di post sebelumnya. Luucuuuu bangettt!
We will upload the photos of it soon. Vine nya lagi di Anyer soal nya. Sabar yah, girlsies.. :)

Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

pretty pretty pretty

Two of us (CMLKT girls), Sarah and Vine were talking about our next collection, especially about the handmade necklace, headbands and stuffs part. Vine says she really can't wait to make necklaces and headbands, she wants to make one for herself too (well, yeah, she's pretty crafty). Then Vine send me (Sarah) some pictures of very cute handmade headbands.
Here they are

Then i spend my not-much-to-do times googling for cute handmade headbands.. And I found these oh-so-pretty stuffs

Arrrghhh.. we're craving for it, so we've decided to try to make cute stuffs like those on the pictures.

Wish us luck, girlsies.
We want it! want it so so bad!

Love and kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Kamis, 21 Mei 2009


CMLKT girls have been sssoooo very very bussy these days because of the final test! Luckyly, most of our very first collection had been sold out before the final test!
Seneng deh, first collection nya CMLKT udh hampir habis! Makasih yah girls, atas sambutannya yang saaangat hangat dan menyenangkan buat on line shop baru ini :)

We're now preparing for our next collection. We'll be lauching it on the early June.
Di koleksi yang kali ini, CMLKT girls bakal kasih variasi buat all of our lovely girlsies. Rencananya, kita bakal nyediain handmade necklaces :) Hope you'll like it!

Love and Kisses,
Cimilikity Girls

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Daydream and Polyvore

Have nothing to do, so I started to daydreaming and Polyvoring. Don't really know what I was trying to make, just click whatever that catched my attention. How I love those eye candy tops :) apalagi bahannya keliatan ringan banget, kayak nya enak buat dipake kemana-mana di Jakarta, mengingat Jakarta panas banget yah (apalagi tempat gw tinggal sekarang, Depok, lebih panas lagi!)

Liat deh, luaran peach yang di bagian atas, kedua dari kiri.. Aw Aw! How cute! Coba kalo lagi polyvoring, items yang kita click bisa langsung ada di rumah! Jadi ada alatnya gitu, semacam printer, yang bisa dihubungin ke laptop kita, let's say namanya Polyprinter. Terus waktu kita click, item nya keluar gitu dari Polyprinter. Gooosshhh... H.E.A.V.E.N!

Hmm... daydreaming is fun..


Finally we've launched our first collection! Fiuh! Ternyata ga segampang itu yah, running an online shop, but we made it! :)
Tadi waktu mau upload foto, deg2an banget rasanya.. Pada suka ga yaahh? :D Eh ternyata baru beberapa menit launching, udh banyak yang book baju2 CMLKT! Senangnya, ternyata pada suka sama koleksi kita :)

Mudah-mudahan semuanya berjalan lancar, and we can be your shopping besties yah, girlsies :)

Di bawah ini beberapa foto koleksi pertama kita, untuk lebih lengkapnya, check out our facebook acc : Cimilikity Shop.

Love and kisses,
Cimilikity Girls